Pastor Ava Rodrigues
28 Jun

 There's a profound sound resonating from the ground, echoing into my ear—a divine vibration that rings with purpose. This is what I hear from the Lord, a sacred message carried by His voice. Sometimes, I don't understand why He speaks when He does, but in those moments of waiting and listening, I place my trust in Him. Receiving a prophetic word is a deeply spiritual experience. It’s essential to remember that such a word is not born from within us. It is the Word of God, delivered by God to the prophet. It’s not our idea, vision, or dream. It’s orchestrated by Divine breath, filled with His wisdom and purpose. This revelation comes with a significant responsibility. To deliver God's word, dream, or vision perfectly, one must develop a healthy sense of reverence and fear of the Lord. The weight of this responsibility can be overwhelming. If you fail to deliver it correctly, you must correct yourself and strive to convey the message accurately. The fear of getting it wrong is daunting because you understand the sacredness of the task. This journey is often a love-hate relationship. On one hand, you might not want the gift due to the immense responsibility it carries. On the other hand, the thought of it being taken away is equally unsettling. It's a delicate balance of gratitude and reverence, knowing that you are a vessel for God's divine messages. In the end, it is about trust and faith in the process. Trusting that when God speaks, He will also provide the wisdom and strength to deliver His word faithfully. Faith in knowing that every vibration, every resonating sound, is part of a divine symphony orchestrated by the Creator Himself. So, we listen, we wait, and we trust. We become instruments of His will, delivering His messages with humility and reverence. Image: Sunrise over a mountain range, symbolizing hope, new beginnings, and the divine light of God's word.

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