25 Mar

Our Common Purpose as Christ Followers

Discovering Our Purpose

Understanding our purpose in life can often seem like an overwhelming task. We often find ourselves asking complex questions about our existence and our roles in this vast universe. However, as followers of Christ, the answer to these questions lies at the root of our faith, shaping our beliefs and actions.


Glorifying God: Our Fundamental Purpose

Our fundamental purpose, as Christians, is to glorify God. This means acknowledging His greatness, living a life that reflects His teachings, and dedicating our actions and thoughts to Him. It's about recognizing His omnipotence and omnipresence in every aspect of our lives. But how do we glorify God in our everyday lives?

It's simple. We glorify God through love. By practicing kindness, compassion, and empathy, we mirror Christ’s teachings and thereby glorify God. This love should not be confined to our fellow believers but extended to all of humanity, as Christ Himself demonstrated.


Declaring His Praises

In addition to glorifying God, we are also called to declare His praises. This goes beyond merely acknowledging God's greatness. It involves spreading His word and sharing our experiences of His goodness. This could be through sharing scripture, personal testimonies, or engaging in activities that reflect God’s love and compassion. In doing so, we become vessels of God's grace, spreading His light in a world that often seems shrouded in darkness.


Pointing Others to Christ

Another integral aspect of our purpose is pointing others towards Christ. As followers of Christ, we are ambassadors of His love and grace. Through our actions, words, and love, we can point others towards Christ. This isn’t about imposing our beliefs on others, but rather sharing the love and hope found in Christ. In doing so, we not only fulfill our purpose but also contribute to God’s larger plan of salvation for humanity.


Fulfilling Our God-Given Purpose

If we seek to glorify God, declare His praises, and point others to Christ in everything we do, we won't miss out on fulfilling our God-given purpose. It's important to remember that this purpose isn't a one-time task but a lifelong journey. It requires constant commitment and dedication. But in fulfilling this purpose, we find a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfilment, knowing that we are part of something much larger than ourselves.

So let's embrace our common purpose as Christ followers. Let's glorify God, declare His praises, and point others to Christ, in everything we do. Let's live a life of purpose, a life that truly matters.

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