Pastor Ava Rodrigues
01 Aug

Hey there, dear readers! Today, we're diving into a topic that's both profound and essential for anyone navigating the spiritual landscape: spiritual discernment. This is particularly crucial when it comes to identifying and dealing with negative influences, such as the spirit of witchcraft. So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfy, and let's explore this together.
Why Spiritual Discernment Matters
Spiritual discernment is the ability to see beyond the natural and into the spiritual realm. It's like having a divine pair of glasses that allows you to perceive the true nature of things. As 1 Corinthians 2:13-16 (NIV) explains:
"This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words. The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, for, 'Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?' But we have the mind of Christ."
In essence, those who are led by the Spirit can discern what is from God and what isn't. This is vital when encountering deceptive influences.
Recognizing the Spirit of Witchcraft
Over the years, I've had the challenging task of dealing with individuals who, under the guise of spiritual enthusiasm, have attempted to sow discord and undermine ministries. These individuals, often referred to as witches (though this term is not gender-specific), employ several tactics to achieve their goals. Here are some key signs to watch out for:
1. Excessive Praise and Flattery
The first tactic is getting as close to you as possible through excessive praise and flattery. This isn't genuine admiration but a strategic move to gain your trust and the trust of your followers. Remember the woman with the spirit of divination in Acts 16:16-18? She proclaimed that Paul and Barnabas were servants of the Most High God, but her intent was to use their influence for her own purposes. Similarly, these individuals aim to infiltrate your circle and establish a foothold.
2. Secretly Sowing Seeds of Discord
Once they’ve gained some trust, they begin to build relationships within your community and subtly critique and criticize. They might point out small issues and make it clear to others that they're unhappy, creating an atmosphere of dissatisfaction and mistrust. This manipulation is designed to make it seem like you are at fault.
3. Busybody Behavior
You'll also notice that these individuals tend to jump around between different ministers and ministries. They're busybodies, causing disruption wherever they go. It's crucial to confront them and remove them from your group. Additionally, warning other ministers can help create a united front against such negative influences.
Handling These Situations
So, what do you do when you recognize these signs? Here are some practical steps:
Pray for Discernment: Always seek God's guidance and wisdom. The Holy Spirit will help you see things clearly.
Confront with Love and Authority: Address the individual directly but lovingly. Make it clear that their behavior is not acceptable.
Protect Your Flock: Remove the individual from your group to prevent further harm. Sometimes, tough love is necessary.
Communicate with Other Leaders: Let other ministers know about this person’s behavior to prevent them from causing similar issues elsewhere.
Spiritual discernment is a powerful gift that helps us navigate the complexities of ministry and life. By staying vigilant and relying on the Holy Spirit, we can protect our communities from negative influences and foster an environment of genuine spiritual growth. Remember, we have the mind of Christ, and with His wisdom, we can overcome any challenge.
Stay blessed and keep discerning!

This blog entry was inspired by the post on Facebook: by Marty Swanson

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