Pastor Ava Rodrigues
20 May

Sisters in Christ, like any other individuals, have their unique personalities and circumstances, which greatly influence their availability. Availability here refers to the time they can spare for activities like talking, fellowship, and ministry. This blog post will delve into the idea of how different sisters in Christ may have varying levels of availability and how that does not necessarily make one sister better than the other.

Varying Levels of Availability

Imagine you have two sisters in Christ, Sarah and Rachel. Sarah is a stay-at-home mom with three young children. Her days are filled with taking care of her family, managing the household, and occasional freelance work. Rachel, on the other hand, is a single professional woman with a demanding job.

The availability of these two sisters can be drastically different. Sarah, with her responsibilities at home, may find it hard to spare time for a coffee date or a Bible study, whereas Rachel, with her busy work schedule, might not be able to attend mid-week church services or commit to regular volunteering.

Navigating Relationships with Different Availability

The key to understanding and navigating relationships with different levels of availability lies in our understanding of each other's circumstances. It is important to realize that neither sister's availability makes her better or worse than the other, they are simply different.

For Sarah, her family is her top priority. This is not a bad thing. The Bible clearly teaches us to prioritize our families. However, it does not mean that Sarah is a better Christian than Rachel. On the contrary, Rachel's availability is limited by her work schedule and commitments. This does not make her any less of a Christian.

Embracing the Differences

Instead of comparing sisters, we should celebrate these differences. They allow us to support and complement each other in the body of Christ.

For Sarah, her season of life is focused on nurturing her family. This is a crucial and honorable role. She may not have the time to chat for long hours or attend numerous church activities, but her love and care for her family can be a powerful testimony to her faith.

Rachel, being a single professional, is in a different season. Her availability is limited, not because she doesn't want to spend time with her sisters, but because her work demands her time and energy. Her commitment to her career is a testament to her faithfulness.

Navigating Relationships

It's important for both sisters to communicate their availability. Sarah, when she feels overwhelmed with her responsibilities, can express her need for help and support. Rachel, on the other hand, can be understanding and accommodating of Sarah's situation.

In our relationships with sisters in Christ, it's crucial to remember that our availability is not a measure of our spirituality. Each sister's availability is a product of her unique circumstances. Let's support and encourage one another in our different seasons, realizing that our diversity is a strength that can enrich the body of Christ.

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